Live a Joyful
Everything you need to know about the Low FODMAP Diet
The IBS Recipe for Success course is a training program which shows you step-by-step how to eliminate your IBS symptoms through the Low FODMAP Diet and lifestyle changes. It will help you create a fulfilling life that you love, free of pain.
*Heather Katopodis.*I give this course 20 out of 10. It's really excellent. I'm sad it's finished. I loved tuning in each day for the "lessons". I was diagnosed with fructose malabsorption by Sue Shepherd around 10 years ago. I now realize after follow your suggestions with the low FODMAP diet that I was eating too many low FODMAP veges in an effort to lose weight. (Still struggling with sugar cravings!) I will mostly miss your kiwi accent. ….. Thank you for a wonderful course.
You are miserable and dream of being pain-free
Your life is restricted and you want to travel without fear
You have a small life and long to socialize freely
You are fed up and just want a normal life
You are sick and crave a happy, healthy life
You are so tired and would love to have boundless energy
You are afraid but want to eat out with confidence

You were pain and symptom-free – no bloating, diarrhoea or constipation.
You had the knowledge to help you make good low Fodmap food choices.
You had a final, expanded low Fodmap diet that was perfect for you as an individual.
You had the strength to stay the course into the future, having overcome any mental blocks which stopped you before.
You also had a new plan and habits which incorporated all the necessary elements for a balanced lifestyle.
A life dominated by pain, embarrassment, bloating, diarrhea and/or constipation is totally unnecessary these days. If you are living a small life restricted by IBS symptoms, I have news for you. A solution exists. I and my clients are living proof of that. I can assure you that miracles do happen.

*Marie Thompson*This scores 10 out of 10. The recipes and meal plans have been particularly helpful. Also, the holistic approach of standing up for yourself, saying "no" and basically not letting other people determine your self-esteem and lifestyle. Having the videos helps a lot as I feel a rapport with you - like you are there encouraging me. Nobody else (in my everyday life) really understands. This course was well worth the money.
I'm Suzanne Perazzini - Your IBS Liberator
I am a certified nutritional therapist specializing in IBS and the low Fodmap diet (certified by the Monash University on the low Fodmap diet), qualified teacher, award-winning author and fulltime low Fodmap diet coach. My website, Strands of My Life features low Fodmap recipes, videos and articles on IBS and the diet. I have been featured on numerous podcasts, I have articles on several large health websites and have had many of my recipes published in hard copy magazines. I have suffered from IBS all my life and after having my life transformed by the low Fodmap diet I now dedicate my days to coaching others on how to eliminate their IBS symptoms once and for all. I am fortunate enough to see people’s lives revolutionized every day through my coaching work and I want to get this message and solution out to the whole world. It drives me crazy that there are so many who don’t know there is an answer to all this suffering. My greatest moments have been turning a 3-year-old Indian girl from a child curled up in the corner in pain to a happy child playing out in the yard with her friends, and helping an 83-year-old woman, who had suffered horribly all her life, discover that there is peace on earth after all. I would love you to become another of my success stories.


Nutritional Therapist
Monash University Low Fodmap Diet Course
Certified Teacher
Certified Massage Therapist
Bachelor of Arts degree with double major - Auckland University
Stanford University School of Medicine Food and Health Course
University of Boulder, Colorado Gut Microbiome course

I have had IBS all my life and have lived and breathed the low Fodmap diet for several years. I am constantly reading research papers and scientific articles on IBS and the diet, so there is little I don't know on the subject. But, more importantly, over a thousand clients with IBS have passed through my coaching programs, and the knowledge I have gained from their successes has been poured into this self-study course so you can have the same results as my individual clients but at a price which suits your budget. This course covers in depth all the different aspects of getting IBS symptoms under control once and for all. The low Fodmap diet alone has been scientifically proven to significantly improve symptoms in 75% of those with IBS, so imagine what happens when you have the whole recipe with its various ingredients mixed together to create a homogeneous whole – a brand new you with a brand new life is what happens.
The course consists of four modules with a total of 25 lessons all arranged in a logical order to lead you through the process and prevent overwhelm.
The program is delivered through multimedia - videos, transcripts, PDFs and downloads.
Your first bonus cookbook is available with the introductory video and other bonuses are included at different stages of the program.
In this private Facebook group, you can ask all those burning questions and get support from each other and your coach as you battle this devil called IBS.
The program is available forever and you can come back to it at any time.

Module #1 Contents
This unit will help you to understand irritable bowel syndrome so it is not this weird monster that controls your life.
1.1 IBS symptoms in all their glory
1.2 Causes and triggers of IBS - avoid them if you can
1.3 How to deal with an IBS episode and survive to live the tale
1.4 Lifestyle exercise: 8 hours of quality sleep a night - every night!
1.5 Alternative ways to help your IBS
1.6 Hydrogen breath test - a personal choice
Module #2 Contents
This unit will help you to understand and implement the low Fodmap diet without pulling your hair out.
2.1 The elimination diet - symptom-free in a few days
2.2 The first day of the meal plans - all the nitty gritty details
2.3 The other 6 days of the meal plans - and the rest of the nitty gritty
2.4 Lifestyle Exercise: Relaxation techniques - super efficient ways to stay calm
2.5 Tips on implementing the low Fodmap diet - everything you need to know
Module #3 Contents
This unit will give you the confidence you need to integrate the low Fodmap diet into all aspects of your life.
3.1 Eating out on the diet without rushing to the toilet
3.2 Working while on the diet and staying sane
3.3 Travelling with confidence while on the diet and disturbing no one
3.4 Living with your family while on the diet and staying calm
3.5 Lifestyle exercise: Becoming fit through exercise - yes, you do need to exercise
Module #4 Contents
This unit will empower you, increase your willpower and get you ready for the next stage - a normal life!
4.1 Standing up for yourself - no one else will
4.2 Forming new habits - it's tough but worthwhile
4.3 Barriers to success - that little devil on the shoulder
4.4 Lifestyle exercise: Time for self - no family or friends allowed
4.5 The re-introduction stage of the diet - the relief of expanding the diet
4.6 Elements of a balanced lifestyle and conclusion - congratulations, you have done it!
4.7 Bonus video - could resistant starches be part of your problem?
*Email from Stephanie Parkes*I am writing to thank you so much for the IBS Recipe for Success course. Without it I would still be floundering around trying to work out what was causing my IBS (which now I have come to realise I probably have had all my life). The low Fodmap diet certainly is a tricky one but with the knowledge gained from the course, it will be so much easier to implement. I would have no hesitation in recommending the course to others. Thanks so much for all you do, it is greatly appreciated.
- *Dawn Carseldine![]()
*My life with IBS was a daily struggle just to make it to the next day. Pain, medication, no answers and no hope that I would ever feel like a normal person again.... And then I met Suzanne online, purely by chance. It was one of the best things that could've happened. Here is someone who knows.... Someone like us that has been there and lived what we've lived. Someone who's done the research and has the plan to help get your life back.
- *Kellie Reidinger![]()
*For the first time in my life I am not in pain after every meal and I feel more energized and healthy than ever before! She taught me how to create balanced meal plans that fit my very busy lifestyle, provided me with some amazing recipes, and gave me tips for managing the stress that makes my digestive issues worse. I used to be afraid to eat so many foods and she showed me that I can have a lot more foods than I ever imagined. I feel like I have all the weapons I need to tackle my digestive problems for the rest of my life! Suzanne's knowledge on how to incorporate this diet into your life is invaluable and I couldn't have done it without her.
- *Judy Kemp![]()
*My I.B.S. problem has bothered me for over 30 years and deteriorated to the extreme over the last year. The Low Fodmap diet founded by Dr Sue Shepherd was introduced to me by a local dietician. I found this to be very difficult. This is when I found Suzanne online who was willing to help me. By following her menus and taking note of the advice, I slowly gained some control over my gut problem. Stress was a major problem which I hadn't realized. The introduction of exercise, relaxation, changing my sleep pattern, eating smaller meals and enjoying slightly bigger morning and afternoon snacks has helped me immensely to regain everything that I.B.S. had taken away from me. I can't thank Suzanne enough.
- *Yvette B![]()
I have found the course wonderful, educational and enlightening, and a definite inspiration to continue on with the Low FODMAP way of eating, to manage my IBS. You’ve also given me the strength to be assertive about what I can eat and drink that agrees with my stomach, so your method of coaching is brilliant!
- *Sarah![]()
*My body was depleted of vital nutrients and I was struggling to get through a typical day due to lack of energy and confusion. Doctors had performed many tests, and, upon finding nothing out of the ordinary, told me that I had IBS and needed to learn to cope with it. It was not until I did my own research and met Suzanne that I began to see any improvement in my health and happiness. Suzanne is incredibly knowledgeable, available, and friendly. Suzanne's program is focused on helping the client as a whole person and it addresses one's daily habits and lifestyle. This is essential to dealing with IBS effectively and Suzanne provides helpful exercises and tips to integrate healthy habits into her clients' lives. Suzanne is a true coach. Suzanne upholds her end of the deal as a wonderful Low-FODMAP coach, Suzanne and her program helped me with my IBS far more than any doctor. I will forever be grateful for this journey.
- *Sylvia Vincent![]()
*When I started the low Fodmap diet I was at my wits end. I was sick and tired of being bloated, feeling full and constipated all of the time and very demoralised about the poor professional help - in short I had had enough. After some research dieticians in the UK seemed misinformed - thankfully Suzanne fit the bill. It's been a very enlightening experience, within a couple of weeks I became more regular than I can ever remember -life changing! Now I have a different tool kit that better suits the job, I've been able to repair and rebuild a very sick body, improve my mind set and family life. Saying I'm grateful is an understatement. A big THANK YOU, Suzanne for sorting me out – great.
- *Dave Williams![]()
*Suzanne, I want to thank you again for the enormous contribution your low FODMAP consulting has been in my life. When I started, my daily IBS pain was floating between 4 and 8 on a scale of 1 to 10, now it’s not unusual for me to go all day without anything more than a temporary 1/2 immediately after I eat a meal. For example, on Saturday my wife and I took a 3-hour drive to the ocean. This is the first drive, beyond 45 minutes that I’ve taken in the last 2 years, and the only recreationally oriented drive beyond 15 minutes. We are planning additional trips. I have much more energy. I am working much more. I had a business lunch with a client last week and it went just fine. I could cry. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, let me thank you for the contribution you’ve been to our lives.
- *Susanne![]()
*Suzanne has helped me change my life! I have had IBS all my life. I remember when I was younger, people told me I just had a "nervous stomach". As I got older and my symptoms became worse, I was diagnosed with IBS. I have tried everything from fiber supplements to prescription medication. Nothing worked. It only masked the symptoms. Now that I have gone through Suzanne's program, I am managing my symptoms, and I feel better than I have in years!! Thank you Suzanne! I praise God for sending her into my life!
- *Cristina C![]()
*Before I heard about the low FODMAP diet, I was battling with physical and emotional pain every day due to IBS. Meeting Suzanne and starting her program was the best decision I have ever made about my health. No doctor has ever been able to help me as much as she has. She is a diet coach, psychologist, friend, and life coach all in one. I have my life back and it's all thanks to Suzanne!

Money Back Guarantee
You will receive a full refund if you have tried the course up to but not including unit 2 lesson 3. That gives you 8 lessons to digest the information and decide if this is for you or not. I profoundly hope this is not the case as the information in these 25 lessons has transformed many lives and can do the same for you. But I am aware that I cannot please all of the people all of the time and I am willing to give a full refund if the above criteria is met.