Ready to Live a Balanced Lifestyle to Support Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Join me and get a 6-step roadmap to creating a stress-free, joyful life.



You are about to join the Lifestyle Balance Challenge. This is the first step towards a new set of habits which will support your IBS. Fill in the details below and you are on the list!

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100% free training series with no obligation

Here's what you will learn in this

Free 2-week training series

  • How to be in control of your life every day so that you can fit everything in with ease, with minimal stress and maximum fulfillment

  • How to feel rested and vital with endless energy so you can play with the kids, create dreams and steer your life towards a bright future

  • How to organize your day so that you have time for yourself to dream or read or walk by the beach or go to the movies

  • How to keep your irritable bowel symptoms under control so you don't have to worry about the locality of the nearest toilet and you can focus on life

This Life Balance Training Starts Thursday 16th February 2017

Hi, My Name is Suzanne

and I help people live a joyful life free of IBS symptoms

My life has been transformed by the low Fodmap diet and a bunch of changes I have made to my lifestyle. I am so stoked at this radical change in my life after having had IBS forever that I now dedicate my life to helping as many of you as I can to get rid of this horrible burden. Now that I know it is possible – and in spectacular fashion – I want to shout it from the rooftops. I am a certified nutritional therapist and a trained teacher and coach. I am fortunate enough to see people’s lives revolutionized every day through my coaching work and I want to get this message and solution out to the whole world. It drives me crazy that there are so many who don’t know there is an answer to all this suffering. My greatest moments have been turning a 3-year-old Indian girl from a child curled up in the corner in pain to a happy child playing out in the yard with her friends, and helping an 83-year-old woman, who had suffered horribly all her life, discover that there is peace on earth after all.




You are about to join the Lifestyle Balance Challenge. This is the first step towards a new set of habits which will support your IBS. Fill in the details below and you are on the list!

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If you know of anyone else who is in need of a lifestyle makeover, I'd love you to share this event on your preferred social media. Let's get some change happening.