I am wondering how much you know about irritable bowel syndrome so I have created a quiz. This is not a survey but an actual quiz and just a fun way for you to know where the gaps are in your knowledge. Let us know afterwards in the comments what your score out of ten was.
[quiz-cat id=”20359″]
I should have received a perfect score after all my great instruction on the subject. 🙂
Working to control stress levels so they don’t affect my gut or my brain health…
PS. I assume the third kind of IBS is intermittent of both IBS-C and IBS-D?
Yes, the third kind of IBS is the mixed kind with alternating constipation and diarrhea. Good luck with your stress control efforts.
Well, I should say: well done, Suzanne, educating Lily! Thanks a lot.
I have to spend time regularly doing respiration exercises which I do not do daily helas. I listen to hypnosis tapes on IBS and stress management which relax me well.
Glad it educated you, Lily. LOL. Great work on getting control of stress.
10 right but after looking at answers I realized I knew the answers to the other two. Good quiz!!
Well done, Kathy!
I was surprised to be called a Champ. I guess I still need to learn how to control the effect of the stress on the gut. And since I suffer with IBS-C
only I forgot there was IBS with combination of the two.
Of course you are a champ! Stress control is crucial.
I got an 8 out of 12.
Pretty good, Katie.
I thought excess fat was also a trigger? #9
Yeah, me too. I know that it is a trigger for me.
I got 10 out of 10
You are the champion, Gaynor!
Excess fat can be an issue but not normal amounts of fat. It is essential for health. Fodmaps are carbohydrates.
Maureen, it can be for some with IBS but Fodmaps are carbohydrates, and so they are our main focus.
It’s official, I’m a champ — 11 out of 12. Of course the 1 I missed was intermittent diarrhea constipation.
Thanks to Suzanne though, she’s a phenomenal coach and turned my dietary life around last year when I signed up for her workshop.
Of course I slip up, or get lazy. But that’s my fault and I know how to get back to that happy place.
Well done!! So glad the Workshop turned your life around. We are all human but knowledge is king.
I got 8 out of 10. Still I’m a champ, thanks, Suzanne! I missed the stress Q and the carb Q. I got swayed by the fried chicken. I should have remembered how Suzanne coped with her son’s accident.
Great, Lisa! Ah, fried chicken – I do miss it but I don’t miss the effects of that amount of fat.
I had three wrong and one was about diagnosing the IBS throug a colonoscopy as the doctors told me about it after that procedure was done to me!
They said you had IBS after the colonoscopy because they found nothing. IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion – when they have done all the tests and find nothing, then they give a diagnosis of IBS.
Thank you so much Suzanne. My food intolerances are mostly under control with your help. I had similar reactions to IBS before trying lowfodmap. Your advice was invaluable. Thank you.
Great to hear you have been helped and are doing well.
I got all but the last one correct thanks tool the info from Suzanne.
Well done, Christine!
I should have got them all right but alas I didn’t. I follow FODMAP diet and read all your posts. I have ibs have had it for along time. Caused through stress mainly careing for a sick husband with Parkinson’s.
He has since passed away. Under a dietician.
10 out of 12…. Not too bad but the two I got wrong I almost went with the correct answers…. Better try next time!!!!
LOL. That’s always frustrating when you almost get it right.