Ready to Live a Balanced Lifestyle to Support Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome?
Join me and get a 6-step roadmap to creating a stress-free, joyful life.
You are about to join the Lifestyle Balance Challenge. This is the first step towards a new set of habits which will support your IBS. Fill in the details below and you are on the list!
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100% free training series with no obligation
Here's what you will learn in this
Free 2-week challenge

This Life Balance Challenge Starts Saturday 24th February 2018
Hi, My Name is Suzanne
and I help people live a joyful life free of IBS symptoms

I am a nutritional therapist specializing in IBS and the low Fodmap diet, qualified teacher, award-winning author and fulltime low Fodmap diet coach (Monash University certified). My website, www.strandsofmylife.com features low Fodmap recipes, videos and articles on IBS and the diet. I have been featured on numerous podcasts, I have articles on several large health websites and have had many of my recipes published in hard copy magazines. I have suffered from IBS all my life and after having my life transformed by the low Fodmap diet I now dedicate my days to coaching others on how to eliminate their IBS symptoms once and for all. My greatest moments have been turning a 3-year-old Indian girl from a child curled up in the corner in pain to a happy child playing out in the yard with her friends, and helping an 83-year-old woman, who had suffered horribly all her life, discover that there is peace on earth after all.

You are about to join the Lifestyle Balance Challenge. This is the first step towards a new set of habits which will support your IBS. Fill in the details below and you are on the list!
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