Yesterday, I went to get my nails done. I do this once every three weeks so that in between I don’t have to fuss about them since I have weak nails and I always seem to be filing them. I now don’t think about them at all – except to admire them.
Anyway, while I was at the salon, there was another lady also getting her nails done and she spent the whole time talking about how busy she was – how she didn’t even have free-time to watch TV. But perhaps this was only her perception of her life because she was after all able to find time to have her nails done.
Busyness is still often worn as a badge of honour, and she exasperated me with her monologue of all the things she managed to fit into her life. The inference was that her busyness somehow made her superior to the rest of us. I felt like engaging her in a reality conversation but I know that few people are ready to hear the truth so I refrained.
Is that woman you? Do you mention the “busy” word multiple times a day? Are you spinning in circles from one activity to another? Are you lacking in sleep, stressed all the time, have no time for yourself? No space to breathe?
Then, it’s time to take stock of where you are in your life right now. Think about it for a moment and then ask yourself if that is actually where you want to be. If the answer is no, then it’s time for things to change.
You have IBS and your symptoms are intrinsically entwined with your lifestyle choices. Even on a perfect low Fodmap diet, you will be affected by erratic sleep and exercise, by stress and by lack of time to just think and assess your life and where you are heading. You know you should be putting all these things in place but never actually do.
Well, I am going to help you do it, once and for all!
Starting 21st October, you can finally do something about balancing your lifestyle to support your IBS.
I am running my free two-week LIFE BALANCE CHALLENGE again just for you.
I emphasize that this is FREE. It won’t cost you anything but effort.
This 2-week challenge will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get all the necessary pieces in place for a balanced life so that you can keep your IBS under control.
It will dig deep into why you need balance in your life, and I will separate out the various elements you have to put in place to make sure that your irritable bowel symptoms are not aggravated by a hectic, out-of-control lifestyle.
You will be sent six challenges over the two weeks in the form of videos and downloadable worksheets with homework, and then you will update us with your results in our private Facebook group.
No Procrastination Allowed.
We are all brilliant at putting off what we know we need to do, so stop the procrastinating and make 2018 your best year ever with no regrets that once again you failed to live life to the fullest because of your crazy schedule, which aggravates your IBS.
My clients are always so surprised at the part that lifestyle plays in their symptoms.
Judy Kemp said:
“Stress was a major problem which I hadn’t realized. The introduction of exercise, relaxation, changing my sleep pattern, along with a focus on myself has helped me immensely to regain everything that IBS had taken away from me.”
And Margaret Kneeland said:
“I realized during the program that my highly stressful lifestyle was causing me to trigger my IBS.”
Hurry on over and …
JOIN the free Life Balance Challenge HERE.
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