How many of you have seen THIS VIDEO that is circulating the internet?
Four men, who have paid a considerable amount of money to travel through the wondrous canals of Venice in a gondola, have their eyes glued to their cell phones. The gondolier comments on how they are in this magnificent place and yet they see nothing but their phone screens.
How sad is that?
They will reach their destination and then look up in surprise that they have missed the whole journey. What a wasted opportunity to admire the beauty of one of the world’s most unique cities.
Do you find yourself rushing through your days trying to fit everything in, often stressed, your heart rate elevated, your breathing shallow, adrenaline flowing?
Are you missing out on the journey?
If so, you are missing out on the opportunity to savour your days, the beauty of your life and to enjoy the company of those you love. Like those men with their noses stuck in their phones, you see nothing but a blur in your peripheral vision as you speed past.
How often do you pause in your day, breathe deeply and feel your presence in your surroundings? The sights, the sounds, the feel of the air on your skin, the aromas about you? You should be able to answer: Several times a day, every day. Because that is the only way to really live your life instead of just exist in your life, wondering how Christmas is once again so close. The year has been swallowed up in a cloud of activity, survival and stress and you have very few punctuation marks to refer back to as anchor points in your year because you never stopped long enough to relish the good moments.
We are all guilty of this at times but some live their entire lives in this swirling fog. You can change this. With support and guidance, you can change most things. But it does take a light-bulb moment to realize that you are squandering your life in busyness, and then to make the conscious decision to do something about it.
If you think that your lack of life balance is affecting your IBS or any area of your life, then make the decision to change and join my 5th FREE Life Balance Challenge, which starts 21st October.
Join HERE:
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