You’ve probably all heard of the classic French seafood bouillabaisse. Well I made one tonight but I can’t vouch for its authenticity. Most home cooks spend their lives adapting recipes according to memory and what’s in the pantry. I am no different. The recipe below is basic and simple but had the thumbs up from both Adriano and Dario. The preparation is very quick and then it cooks all by itself. Just perfect for getting my photographic equipment ready for a fast photo shoot before it all gets cold. At least my family has now learned not to nag about being hungry before I am finished or I bite their heads off. I did used to wonder how many times I had to snap at them before they learned, but learn they eventually did. I am also getting a little quicker as I get to know my camera better. Sometimes it feels like a wayward child which can’t make up its mind what it wants but I show it who is the boss and eventually a decent photo arrives.
By the way, I served the bouillabaisse with leftover coleslaw from last night and risotto from the night before. I am always very pleased when I manage to wrestle some food away from Adriano to save for the next day. It saves my poor work worn hands.
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp garlic-infused oil
- 2 spring onion, diced (green part only)
- 1 celery stick, diced
- ½ tsp dried sweet basil
- ½ cup of wine
- 2 x 400g cans whole peeled tomatoes, chopped
- 375ml fish stock (onion and garlic-free)
- Salt & pepper
- 2 cups of seafood marinara mix
- Handful of parsley, chopped
- Heat the oils in a large saucepan and saute the spring onion, celery and basil until soft.
- Add the wine and simmer until it reduces to half.
- Add the tomatoes and stock and simmer 20 minutes.
- Check the seasonings and adjust if necessary.
- Add the seafood mix and gently simmer for 3-5 minutes.
- Serve and garnish with the chopped parsley.
Your version of bouillabaisse look scrumptious!
Thanks, Laura, it was.
Bouillabaisse is good stuff. People in Marseilles will argue that you can’t really make an “authentic’ bouillabaisse anywhere else because it requires types of fish that aren’t readily available elsewhere. This is one of those cases where close enough is fine with me! Yours looks totally delicious. Re photography, I find mine goes lots faster when I think about what I want the photo to look like ahead of time, rather than just starting to assemble props etc when the dish is finished. But it still takes time.
I try to think ahead and sometimes have a clear image in my mind but if the work day has been busy, then it happens on the spot when I look in the prop cupboard and grows from there but it does take a bit more time.
That’s a great meal and I am like you where I substitute items with what I have on hand. And leftovers are so handy because they can be packed into containers and that’s lunch sorted for the next day xx
Leftovers are the bomb! I love leftovers for my work lunch so I don’t have to buy anything.
oh this looks and sounds fab. You crack me up about your family. My husband has been well trained over the past 3 years to not say a word–just help!
It’s all about the training. Sounds like you did it right.
We don’t have seafood marinara mix in my area, the midwest. What should I add besides shrimp?
Mussels, calamari (squid) rings, lumps of salmon and white fish. But really you can put in any mix you prefer. Most shellfish would work. It’s an easy and tasty dish so enjoy!
You have beautiful photography on your site! I saw your photo on and clicked over.
Thanks so much, Julia. I am still a novice and learning with every shot.
Good morning, I featured this recipe on my blog today for my weekly seafood round-up. I also FB, Tweet and Pin. Thank you for allowing me to share! Here is the link:
Carrie, I see there is a link to me for the recipe so that’s fine.