And the weekend is over once again. The two free days of the week always seem to disappear like a puff of smoke. Saturdays starts off with the hope that I will get lots done and Sundays arrive all too soon with very little crossed off the to-do list. How can 16-17 waking hours a day seem like two? The answer is beyond me. Yesterday, I read an article by Penelope Trunk here about doing the first thing on your list first and not fluffing around with the minor items. If you don’t cross off the big things, you will have no sense of satisfaction at the end of the day even if you have done several minor jobs. So I have crossed off a big one but got very little else done. I am not sure if the sense of satisfaction was greater than if I now had a shorter list.
The next big thing on my list is a cookbook review I have been meaning to do for a while. Maybe this week.
Just a reminder that my giveaway of a Cuisinart mini processor finishes in less than a day so if you haven’t entered yet, do so here.
If you are among the 25% of those with IBS who need to be lactose-free, then this will not be a recipe for you because the dairy products.
This is NOT a low Fodmap recipe.
Double Chocolate Brownie Cheesecake Squares
The base:
Recipe here
The cheesecake:
250gms/9 oz cream cheese
1/2 cup natural, plain yoghurt
1 tbsp maple syrup (Buy it organic here)
zest of 1 orange
2 tbsp orange juice
280gms/10oz white chocolate melted (Buy it organic here)
1 egg white
Method for Cheesecake
- Place all ingredients except the egg white in a food processor and process until smooth.
- Pour into a bowl.
- Beat the egg white until stiff peaks form.
- Fold into the cheesecake mixture.
- Spoon onto the brownie base and place in the fridge.
- Once set, cut into squares and place back into the fridge.
Love the quote…though, I need to work on my vodka taste buds 😉 Your brownies look phenomenal! Totally irresistible.
Prefer rum, myself. They taste phenomenal too.
Gary Kreep’s ongoing efforts have been a real thorn in the side of Soetoro. It is for this reason that there could be an attempt on his life. If this is the case then there could be somebody who has infiltrated his ornaoisatign,and planned an attempt on his life via the surgery. A Perfect cover!
Great looking brownies! And nice photos – dark backgrounds work so well with food IMO. Time does have a way of disappearing, doesn’t it? I order my priority list not by size of project, but by what will make me happiest – and do those first. So it may be a long time before the closet in my office gets cleaned out! 😉
Thanks, I am branching out with my dark backgrounds.
I guess the closet is not a priority but you sure will feel good when it’s finally done.
ooooohhh… These brownies look fantastic!! Cream cheese AND a brownie base is genius!!! Love it!
xox Amy
Thanks, Amy. They taste amazing with the combination of the flavours.
I read a similar article about tackling the green frog, the thing you want to do least first, otherwise you’re just avoiding it by doing all the other things first. These look delicious!
We are all good at avoiding the big jobs by pottering with smaller ones. LOL, I hadn’t heard of the green frog before.
What delicious bars, and your squares are so perfectly cut!
Thanks. After being in the fridge for a while, they were easy to cut.
It has been so long since I have been able to leave a comment on your blog. One of my jobs on my to-do list was to sort the problem out and I can now tick it off as being done 🙂 Satisfaction! Your brownies look lovely – I have only just discovered the ‘deliciousness’ of adding an extra layer to a brownie
It’s great to see you back here. What was the problem?
Layers are my thing – they looks so pretty as well as taste great.
I used to read blogs using Google Reader but changed over to Bloglovin. It is good for reading but for some reason it doesn’t let me comment from my Ipad. I’ve gone back to reading through the day from my laptop but not so convenient.
That’s interesting but what a pain. I don’t have an Ipad so don’t know the issues. I love to comment as soon as I read a post because that’s when my thoughts about it are fresh. I guess Ipads leave a little to be desired but that might change with further updates.
That’s a great quote and when I hit forty I’ll have to repeat it to people. I love the tip about crossing off the bigger to-dos from our lists first. Suzanne, I just love your sweet treats because they make me feel a little less guilty.:) This is another great one!
When you reach 40, you need to view life differently. Vices take a toll on your body but they are necessary for mental health.
It is so hard to do that first thing on the list even if it is a wise thing to do.
Love your images, Suzanne. And what a gorgeous slice. I’m with you – I just don’t know where the day goes! xx
Thanks, Charlie. What are we supposed to do about the fact that our days disappear?
This is a very good tip. It’s extrimly hot in Berlin, hard to concentrate on anything. Iam trying my best but I feel like closing myself in a fridge all the time 🙂 Work is hard without air conditioning and when you live on the last floor. I think I need something delicious to help me to concentrate 🙂
The heat is so debilitating and without air conditioning, it would be terribly hard to concentrate. A sweet treat is definitely needed.
Hi Suzanne, I just found your recipe on VGN and it looks yummy! I will have to make a batch soon. I am sharing this on Pinterest and FB for sure! Have a good week. 🙂
Nice to see you here, Shelley. It is well worth making. Thanks for sharing it.
WOW! These look really tasty, perfect for a party. I made some super healthy gluten free brownies at the weekend, here is the recipe that I followed 🙂
With the cheesecake mixture on top, they lifted the brownie to another level. Thanks for the link.
Okay first of all that quote is priceless. And secondly these are just the prettiest squares I’ve ever seen. I mean I just want to reach in and nab one or ten. Girl you are just rocking the fodmap world. I love it. It’s so good to know there’s ways to make healthier versions of things. Hope you have a great weekend Suzanne.
I am always looking out for really witty quotes but there aren’t too many about. That was a good one.
I love pretty squares as I know you do. Your food is always attractive. For me, the eyes need to be involved.
i love trying to make healthier versions of old favourites and to combine some common elements in new ways.
Cream cheese is high in lactose, how is this recipe low FODMAP. Monash uni lost cream cheese as red so we avoid it.
Merrie, I have explained many times about lactose on my blog. Only 45 % of those with a Fodmap intolerance are lactose intolerant and I am not one of them. My recipes include lactose but it is easy to substitute dairy products with alternatives. If you are lactose intolerant, this is not a recipe for you.
Sorry I didn’t realise I was expected to read every post on your blog before asking a question. You have clearly listed this recipe as low FODMAP, it isn’t.
Having IBS and being on a low Fodmap diet is difficult and we need to stick together to help each other. I apologise if I have upset you, Merrie.
Hi, if I use lactose free cream cheese and lactose free plain yogurt will these be low FODMAP?
Yes, but I would still go easy on them because of the chocolate.