We had these for dinner but made smaller they would work perfectly as finger food with a glass of wine. The flavours work well together.
Today, I was checking my statistics to see who was viewing my blog and I saw several hits coming through from Youtube but I don’t have any videos on there so I had to investigate and followed the links back and found a young girl talking about her November favourite things and she mentioned my Jamie Oliver recipe of cauliflower macaroni cheese as one of her favourite recipes. Some of her tens of thousands of followers have been visiting me. If you do follow the link to see her video, beware that it really is for young teenagers. You just never know who is reading your blog, folks. There are too many links to follow back on any given day but those ones stood out because they were from Youtube. I have been trying to persuade my son to make a video of me cooking – well my hands cooking anyway – but I haven’t been successful yet. He had to do one for his photography degree and it came out really well so I think he should be using those skills to help his mother. Sigh! – one day.
Yesterday I had to catch the bus back from work because Adriano, who usually takes me home, had to work late. Well, I have discovered I really am not very good at doing nothing for 45 minutes. I counted red cars, found shapes in the clouds, tried to name all the countries in the world (failed miserably) and then fell asleep – very embarrassing when the head drops like a stone and then flicks up as you wake. What do you all do when you have an enforced period of inactivity in a public place?
This is not a low Fodmap recipe.
I love these flavours together they do make a great canape
Thanks. It’s all about flavour at the end of the day.
Your haloumi fritters look delicious. I would love a plate of these and I can see they would be perfect served with Christmas drinks. And it never ceases to amaze me who is out there discovering your blog! xx
They could be added to your mother’s collection of recipes for her Christmas parties.
I love vegetarian remakes of fritters and sliders – these look absolutely mouthwatering! The mint/pea and haloumi is such an interesting match-up too. I can just imagine the fresh flavours here… delish!
Fritters feel lighter when vegetarian somehow even though they are cooked in oil.
I used to commute for 3 hours a day by train into London and did that for over 10 years. I passed the time by reading food magazines and recipe books. I think people thought I was a bit strange reading about food at 5.30 in the morning!! Your fritters look lovely – as always.
3 hours? Oh my gosh! Reading about food sounds perfect. I was caught unawares without a book but I am not so good reading in a bus anyway and yet I can do it in a train without getting sick.
While I’m living in the USA the public transportation is my only way to ride, so I always have a book in my bag. I recommend the ones that you can read a paragraph and loose yourself in thoughts just looking through the window, like Peace is every step by Thich Nhat Hanh or for a little more fun and food Food Rules by Michael Pollan.
Public transport is not so great here in New Zealand and everyone has a car. To get to work I would need two buses and a total of three hours sitting in the bus. Thanks for the suggestions of books. I must look those up.
I made something similar for breakfast, just added a couple of poached eggs and some bacon, it was delicious.
That sounds delicious. Runny poached eggs would add a wonderful element to the dish.
These look seductively appetizing and will be had for dinner with a matching salad by the weekend. [Have loved Jamie Oliver’s 15 minute meals on Oz TV (a full hour of four again tonight!) – ordered a copy from Amazon a a small Yule present to myself some days ago – had a send notice this morning; would you believe I have to wait until February to get it – so popular!!!!! And did you know he now has three brands of Findus crumbed [ugh!] fish on your NZ tables!!] Well, Jools wants baby #5, so I guess kids cost money 😉 !]
Very funny about Jamie. I also am not into crumbed Findus fish at all. Haven’t had any for decades. I have resisted getting his 15-minute book because, as you know, I discovered his 30-minute meals took 45-60 minutes. I have bought a few other cooking books for presents though.
Suzanne: DO try these – I have most of his books and oft use variations, BUT these recipes truly are the best I think he has ever produced: and they are fun!! OK: even if you and I grin when we can’t quite make ’em in the required number of minutes; they are easy and fresh and tasty and different etc etc
Okay, you have convinced me to look into it. He is a great cook and I love his food so maybe it’s worth the disappointment time-wise.
I’ve never met a fritter I didn’t like! These look just marvelous!!!
Ditto, Liz.
I love these fritters, the flavors work so well together!
Thanks, Laura, they do work well.
Those fritters look so good. Pea and haloumi are such a great flavour combination.
Thanks, Jennifer.
These fritters look wonderful. I will try to make these if I can find a source for Haloumi here in D.C.
I found it in the basic supermarket we have in my suburb so it should be quite easy to find.
This looks great as a main course, but I agree that it has appetizer written all over it. Great flavor. And I’d love to see a video of you making it. Or rather, your hands. 😉 And it can be an awful lot of fun to follow some of the traffic links and see who’s reading. I found one once on a post about lentil soup linking back to a discussion board on some German beauty site! Someone had posted an OT thread about some kind of soup, and someone had linked me in there as an example of something or another. Anyway, good post – thanks.
One day a video will appear.
German beauty site? You just never know where a link will end up.