I have over 14,000 subscribers now with around 200,000 page views a month and know that many of you have been with me since the beginning, and I thank you for your loyalty. I have heard many of your stories with IBS through my coaching and complimentary pre-coaching phone calls, but have you heard mine? Maybe yes, maybe no. I recently uncovered a video I made a few years ago and it tells my story from the beginning of my life up to now. You may be interested in listening to it so here it is.
Isn’t it nice that the low Fodmap diet has changed your life in such a good way. I can certainly see why you have so many subscribers, you are doing a wonderful job with helping others. Continued success and I’ll always stop by to read your blog even when I don’t have time to leave a comment.
Thanks, Karen. I hope all is going well with you in your lovely home.
Where would I find the link with your email address? I clicked on the three links that showed up at the end of the video but none had your email address…
You can contact me through my contact page on this website. It is the same as an email.
Thank you for telling us your story. Stress will bring back symptoms even if we are following a strict low Fodmap diet. You need to get back onto it as soon as possible. You know it works so that should give you incentive to return to it. If you have financial restraints perhaps you could start with a customized meal plan. There’s more information here: https://www.strandsofmylife.com/lowfodmapmealplanservice/
I do not have a problem, I am not on low food map but I follow you for years now. I remember the first posts about the lfm and it’s amazing how you developed. It was a pleasure to listen to your story. Keep up a great job.
Thank you for following for so long, Marta even though you don’t have IBS. It has been quite a journey from a simple blog in those early days to a fully-fledged business helping others today.
Hi Suzanne-I am just embarking on the Low Fodmap diet.I have had IBS for about 20 years.
My big problem is IBS when driving as about a year ago I had an accident in the car.
Any advice
That’s no fun at all. I suggest you start the low Fodmap diet and then you won’t have an accident in the car. It may take time for the association to go away though.