Juliette has given me permission to tell her journey from crippling pain to baffled excitement but her name has been changed for privacy reasons. She wrote the following on her application form for my coaching program:
“I have had IBS for years and years. I also have a twisted or loopy gut. I am in constant pain and no doctor has been able to help me. I hate food as it makes me so sick. The only treatment is pain meds and laxatives when bloating gets too bad. Diarrhea is out of control and then it stops and I bloat up and that is when the laxatives enter the picture. Without the pills I would have no life. I spent many years without meds and life was not worth living. Could never plan, travel or make any commitments. I want off these drugs and to be able to live a normal life. Even half the pain would be life-changing. I eat once a day and am underweight. Eating makes me sick so if something is planned, I don’t eat. Such a crazy way to live. I will try anything at this point. My husband is totally on board and my biggest cheerleader. When you live with someone suffering you also suffer. I need your help. I can’t stand this anymore!!”
During our complimentary pre-coaching phone call, Juliette mentioned many week-long stays in hospital over the years where she was poked and prodded while they did every test possible on her. She talked about how her IBS caused incontinence. She was tired, weak and depressed when she got in touch with me.
Juliette started the 6-week coaching program three weeks ago. Here are a few excerpts from her daily diary pages and emails to me.
Week 1 Day 3
Well so far I have never felt this good for years. I never could have eaten what I eat daily without ending up in the hospital. I have noticed that there certainly is not a war going on inside my gut. It is fairly quiet. One thing I noticed was this morning I woke up with a different taste in my mouth. I wear a retainer for TMJ and there has always been a lot of acid maybe in my mouth when I wake up. This morning I was shocked as I did not have that. So I went to the mirror and looked at my tongue and this really nice pink smooth tongue looked back at me. When John came home I said, “Look at this” and stuck my tongue out – mine looked so healthy, no cracks or whiteness. We were both taken aback. Not sure why this all works Suzanne, but it does seem to. I have never for decades eaten this much food without doubling over and moaning and groaning. NEVER. I hope it keeps up because I am so sold on this.
Week 1 Day 6
I have been very sick for a very long time. I have spent long periods in the hospital. Besides IBS my tummy is pretty messed up and to be honest I wasn’t sure anything would ever change and after finding you I had hope and help. So to feel this good is absolutely amazing and I could not do it without you. So thank you so much. Well actually thanking seems so small. After the life I have lived this is incredible. So all in all the week went well. It went really well and you are an angel. If I hadn’t have been so desperate and scoured the net I would still be living that terrible life. To have been through just one week without crippling pain is like magic.
Week 1 Day 7
It has been a great week and I am so very happy with the results. The kids thought I looked so much better than I had during the winter. Today I got a head start on decluttering and also did yard work. I can’t believe that I have so much more energy. I am excited about next week.

Week 2 day 2
Today was a great day!
Week2 day 4
Had a very good day except for the almonds. It is still amazing to me.
Week 2 day 7
I still feel fine, I have no bloating, gas or pain at all. I am so baffled.
Juliette’s diary pages from week three have consistently had one word after each meal to tell me how she felt – GOOD. Today she wrote in one of my Facebook groups, “Thank you Suzanne Perazzini… you are my hero.” There’s little that gives me more joy than turning a client’s life around and freeing them from the tyranny of IBS.
Make sure you either fill out an application form like Juliette did for my individual coaching HERE or get your name on the Early Bird List for the group two-week Low Fodmap Formula Workshop HERE, which starts 26th June. If you are on the Early Bird list, you will be made a special offer just before the cart opens on the 6th June.
I am not surprised Suzanne you changed my life too. I never thought I could eat so much and feel so good. It’s been 10 months now and I am so thankful to you. Helen
Lovely to hear from you, Helen. It’s all about focusing on what we can eat and not what we can’t eat. So glad to hear you are still feeling good.
I am so sick and tired of getting the anti-pooh meds in my system before I go out of the house. I have had IBS/DoubleD since the birth of my first child 45 years ago. The event ripped me apart and the damage from the birth left me with IBS/D; I am an old soldier still fighting the battle! So, I am looking to make peace with my digestive system with the information of “Strands of My Life”. I have not had a good experience with the LOWFODMAP diet because I do not know where to start with the severity of my condition. HELP!!!
Shirley, it is clear that you need guidance in implementing the diet. IBS-D is the easiest one to sort and it can happen quickly on an accurate diet. Please check out my coaching options including the 2-week Workshop which is starting 26 June. You can read about it here: https://www.strandsofmylife.com/ibs-free-workshop-june26/ Otherwise, find a dietitian locally who is well versed in the low Fodmap diet.