This year has been incredible in many ways. My business has grown immensely and life is good. I will mention a few things here that 2016 brought to me and to many others through my work.
- I have had hundreds through my coaching programs returning a peaceful life to many who were in deep distress from their irritable bowel symptoms.
- I have run the free Life Balance Challenge three times this year with well over 1,000 participating.
- My website, Strands of My Life, now receives around 230,000 page views a month, reaching a substantial number of IBS sufferers and helping them with over 5 years of free recipes, articles and videos on IBS and the low Fodmap diet.
- My weekly newsletter goes out every Wednesday to over 12,000 subscribers.
- I have launched a brand new two-week workshop and run it successfully three times in 2016. The next one will be in February so make sure you get on the Early Bird list HERE.
- Just recently, I launched a customized meal plan service and many have taken advantage of the low price to finally get a meal plan that suits them as an individual.
- I had my first ever professional photo shoot and completely changed my website.
- I started a free private Facebook group for those with IBS who are following the low Fodmap diet. The group already has well over 2,000 members and it is growing daily.
- I have also started a new website, Path to Minimalism to document my journey towards minimalism as we look to downsize out life now our son has left home.
- Personally, I have visited Costa Rica, Guatemala and San Francisco (where the fabulous and generous Yvonne Linton showed us around), and this year I have my sights set on Antarctica, Mongolia and probably back to Italy for a visit.
- I also have some MASSIVE NEWS that involves you but I can’t let the cat out of the bag quite yet. Maybe next week.
I am looking forward to 2017 and I will continue to work hard to put out just as much free information for you as time allows.
Congratulations on all you have achieved thus far, we all benefit by it so that in itself would be a very personal reward for you, am looking forward to your upcoming news. (Hope its your new book).
I cant say I resisted lots of Xmas fare, it was temptation plus with my grand daughter here from England, plus all the family, (and 3 dogs), it was worth having just a little of usually not on the menu treats. Was lots to celebrate and still a wedding to come for her on the 6th Jan. She has arranged a special meal just for me with the caterers so that I can relax and enjoy the day without any anxiety re food. They actually asked if there were any special meal requirements for the guests. The world of food is finally getting the message and accommodating us fodmappers etc.
I am not allowed to talk about my news for a couple of weeks but you are hot. It sounds like a wonderful time in your life and I am so glad to hear that the wedding caterers are taking your needs into account.
I’m glad that you had such a successful year. You work hard and deserve it. 🙂
Thank you so much, Karen. I hope you are having great success in your life too in any way that is meaningful to you.