The other day, I was in the supermarket check out queue when the lady ahead of me had trouble getting her credit card to work and she was getting flustered and red in the face. The man behind me started muttering impatiently. My heart went out to her because we have all experienced similar embarrassing moments. I noticed that she was only buying a packet of chips and a can of coke so I offered to pay for them. She looked at me in horror, shook her head and kept trying her card. I said that I really didn’t mind, but she told me she couldn’t possibly accept. So she left the chips and coke on the counter and walked out without them. I felt awkward and somehow in the wrong for offering help.
Why is it so hard for some people to accept help?
Do they feel is it an admission of weakness, that they are giving up their independence?
We are social beings who need to interact and help each other in order to survive. We are pack animals, and we know wild animals that leave or get kicked out of the pack don’t survive for long. Co-operation is key. Have you ever watched a pack of lions move in for the kill? It is intelligence, instinct, grace and co-operation in motion.
Thinking that accepting help is a weakness can be very ingrained in people and hard to overcome. You have to be honest with yourself and consider the consequences of not getting help. If you did this and listed the things that can go wrong and who else will be hurt if you don’t get help would perhaps make you swallow your false pride and move forward.
If your challenge is irritable bowel syndrome, then stop struggling by yourself and get help. You know that your stubbornness and need to succeed alone is not only hurting you in countless ways, but also those nearest and dearest to you – your spouse, your kids, your friends.
It’s such a downer to spend time with someone who is permanently below par. Even if you can’t do it for yourself, do it for them. Seek support. Especially since there is an answer and suffering with IBS symptoms is plain ridiculous.
How can I help you?
The cart for the Low Fodmap Diet Formula Workshop closes in a week.
Meanwhile I am putting on a free webinar in a few days on 15th June at 7pm US EST about the:
This diet involves a lot more than just a list of foods you can eat and, without understanding all the ins and outs of this diet as well as other contributing factors to your IBS, you will almost certainly fail.If you have already joined the workshop HERE, then this webinar will give you a head start but there’s no way, as hard as I may try, that I can give you everything you need as an individual in an hour presentation. The Low Fodmap Diet Formula Workshop will give you the detailed information, support and results you crave. But the webinar is a great place to start.
This webinar will cover the six areas that are usually overlooked when you try to implement the low Fodmap diet. It’s a given that you will have found a list of foods on the internet – hopefully from a reputable site – but what about how to use the list and what about the rest that can’t be put into a list?
That’s where this free webinar comes in.
Go HERE to get all the details and to register.
Meanwhile, make sure you get into the Low Fodmap Diet Formula Workshop while the cart is still open. I can’t say when or if I will be doing this again.
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