Unlike what many think, we can eat sugar on the low Fodmap diet.
A certain amount of table sugar is okay on the diet because it has equal quantities of fructose and glucose, and the glucose pulls the fructose, cell by cell, through the lining of the small intestine, so it is absorbed. If there is excess fructose to the glucose as in honey, agave syrup etc. then the excess is not absorbed and goes down into the bowel where it gets fermented and causes all the problems. However, we can’t eat much of even the safe sugars like table sugar or maple syrup because the glucose stops helping the fructose to be absorbed after a while, and the rest goes down into the bowel to cause symptoms. Because of this, most of your sugar should be got from 2-3 fruits a day.
However, living without any sweet treats is almost impossible for most people so I have created many low Fodmap cakes, cookies etc that you can safely consume. Today, I am going to show you my five best low Fodmap cakes.
Banana Cake
This is a simple, delicious and very moist cake that will delight the whole family.
Chocolate and Orange Polenta Cake
This is a cake straight from my cookbook that combines orange and chocolate in a tasty cake that is low Fodmap.
Lemon Potato Cake
On the surface this seems very strange because it contains potato, but potato is simply a starch like flour, and it does a great job of keeping the cake moist and very moorish.
Strawberry Potato Cake
This is a variation of the lemon potato cake above and equally moist and delicious.
Carrot Cake
Carrot cake was always my favourite cake before I knew anything about the low Fodmap diet, and so I had to create a low Fodmap version of it. It is just as irresistible as the original version.
These cakes looks really tasty… I die for sweets. Can a person who is under SIBO treatment ( whit antibiotics), and food intolerances eat them? Maybe I can I use some sweetener instead of sugar.
Artificial sweeteners are nearly all high Fodmap and I would not recommend them. Also, baking is a science and when you change an ingredient, there is every chance that the recipe will fail.
Oh! I didn’t Know. I thought saccharine, ciclamate, Stevia, weren’t hight FODMAP. But you are right, it’s not the same cooking with sweeteners and doing it whit sugar. But what if I have SIBO and too much fermentation… Can I use sugar?
As mentioned in my comment, most artificial sweeteners are high Fodmap but not all. Stevia is not artificial though the processing method is suspect. If you are sure you have SIBO, then you should stay low in sugar and perhaps these cakes are not a good idea right now. Once the SIBO is gone, you should be able to have a small slice.
so far, I’ve made the banana cake. so moist and delicious, thank you so much! Next…..
Glad you liked it. It is a delicious cake.