I have made a second video to follow on from the first one about the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) HERE. This one is about the solution to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), the low Fodmap diet, and I explain what Fodmaps are. You can watch it here or on Youtube by clicking in the bottom right-hand corner.
What is the solution to IBS?
Welcome. Today I’m going to tell you about the solution to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and that is the Low FODMAP Diet. This is a diet which is been scientifically proven to dramatically reduce the symptoms in 75% of those with IBS. Now that’s massive. Those of us with IBS have a hard time absorbing the carbohydrates or sugars in food. They’re supposed to be absorbed in the small intestine. And when that doesn’t happen, the sugars continue on down to the large intestine where the bacteria there ferments them, causing bloating, pain and diarrhea and/or constipation which are all the symptoms of IBS. FODMAP’s stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides Disaccharides Monosaccharides and Polyols. Let’s take them one-by-one.
Fermentable is a process through which the gut bacteria breakdown undigested carbohydrate to produces gases, which are hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. Oligosaccharides are the Fructo-oligosaccharides or the FOS found in wheat, barley, rye, onions, garlic and other things and also the Galacto-oligosaccharides or GOS, found in legumes and pulses. The D of FODMAP is Disaccharides. It’s the lactose found in milk, soft cheese, yogurts, et cetera. M is Monosaccharides which is just fructose in excess of the glucose found in honey, many fruits and vegetables and also in things like high fructose corn syrups which is what a lot of processed food contains now because it’s cheap for the manufacturers. The P is Polyols. It’s sugar polyols like sorbitol and mannitol which are found in some fruit and vegetables and also used in artificial sweeteners. Anyone with irritable bowel syndrome has to try the FODMAP elimination diet since FODMAPs are bowel irritants for us.
You can be tested for two of the five FODMAPs, fructose and lactose through a hydrogen breath test. In some places, you can also be tested for the sorbitol which is one of the polyols. But intolerance to the oligosaccharides and the other polyols can only be discovered through an elimination diet. So the elimination diet is essential to determine your intolerance levels to those two. I had the hydrogen breath test which showed that I malabsorb fructose badly, but then I was not lactose intolerant which I was very grateful for. Since starting the Low FODMAP diet a couple of years ago, I have found a new lease on life. I didn’t know that one could eat and not feel discomfort and often pain. Now, I know how the rest of the world lives and it feels like magic. I’ve recently made some life choices which don’t have to take into account my digestive system and it feels amazing to not be conditioned by my gut and to make choices that I could never have made before.
I repeat, if you have any of the above symptoms or have been diagnosed with IBS, you have to try the Low FODMAP Diet. I’ve been to a string of doctors throughout my life and not one mentioned this possibility. I had to discover it myself online. So if you have IBS and are in pain and afraid to leave the toilet, I’ve created the Inspired Life Low FODMAP Coaching Program just for you. This is a difficult diet to implement and this program will support you for six weeks while you do that. If you’re interested on having a chat about your issues and the program, please fill out the form at www.strandsofmylife.com/inspiredlife and I’ll give you a call.

Raspberry Ice Cream
You might remember my last ice cream effort not long ago - it was so well received that when I had 4 egg whites left over from another recipe, I made it again, but this time I added raspberries. Dario prefers this to the peanut butter one but I prefer my first one. The juice from the raspberries create a slightly icier texture than the peanut butter and I do like my ice cream smooth. Not that I am turning up my nose at it. In fact, I have just had a bowlful after the photo shoot for my lunch.
- 4 egg whites
- ⅓ cup white sugar
- 1 cup cream or coconut cream
- 1 cup raspberries
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp water
- Place the egg whites and the white sugar into the top of a double boiler and heat gently until the sugar has dissolved.
- Pour into a heatproof bowl and beat to form stiff peaks.
- Beat the cream in a separate bowl until stiff but not turned.
- Heat the last 3 ingredients in a small pot and boil for a couple of minutes.
- Process half of the raspberries to a puree.
- Fold the cream into the egg whites very gently so as not to lose any of the volume.
- Fold in the 2 raspberry mixtures. The raspberries don't have to be completely blended. You could leave streaks through the ice cream.
- Pour into a shallow wide baking pan so the mixture is about 1"/2.5cm deep.
- Cover with glad wrap and place in the freezer.
- Once frozen, scoop into bowls or onto ice cream cones to serve.
Ice cream for lunch sounds like a good idea! I’d prefer the peanut butter version, too, but it’s nice to change things up from time to time.
I just had the last of the ice cream for dinner too. Any time of day is fine for ice cream. I will definitely be experimenting with different flavours but the creamy ones have my vote.
I have had that same icy problem when adding strawberries and peaches to ice cream, so now I just avoid adding chunks of fruit! I don’t think the rest of the family is as picky as me, though 🙂 Raspberry ice cream sounds wonderful as I think we’re going to have our hottest day of the year so far tomorrow!
It’s so strange to think of you having your hottest day when we are so cold here.
Yes, I think I might avoid the hunks of fruit too – they bring too much liquid with them and that obviously freezes creating the ice.
I have a question…are these egg whites considered cooked by heating them in the double boiler?
No, I doubt they would be considered cooked.
It’s lovely to hear your voice! Your ice cream looks wonderful and it’s great that this recipe is adaptable to either the peanut butter variety or with raspberries xx
Ha!I have just made another video in which you actually see me. It’s been rather spooky to make but now it is out there. I will include it here later.
Where a recipe doesn’t say how many it serves – such as the yummy sounding raspberry ice-cream, do we assume it serves 4? I don’t want to overindulge and over FODmap myself!
Also recipes for cookies or cakes would recipe serve 12?
Can I use an ice cream maker to make this?
I wouldn’t think it would work but you can try.