The low Fodmap diet is magical - no doubt about that, but it has to be accompanied by some basic rules on how to eat and not just what to eat, or you won't get the results you want. As I have said many times, there is no magic button for IBS but gather all the bits and pieces together and you will start to see a difference. Watch my video to find out what the five basic rules are for eating on the low Fodmap diet. Today I want to go over some of the basics of how you should be eating during the day. You should be eating five small meals a day and why they have to be five and why they have to be small is because big meals will hurt us and cause more symptoms. But we still need to get in a certain amount of nutrients during the day so we split it into five small meals. You should be getting at least two fruits a day, five to six vegetables, and since we can't have all those vegetables in one meal, which traditionally you might do at dinner time, you need to get at least … [Read more...] about 5 Basic Rules for Eating with IBS
fructose malabsorption recipe
5 Low Fodmap Snacks
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is about low Fodmap snacks. As you know, we have to eat five small meals a day including two snacks. And that's where people get confused as to what they can eat that's quick, nutritious and easy to grab. Gone are the days of snatching up a processed product from the supermarket, opening the packet and munching down on the nutrition-low, chemical-high so-called food. We can't do that any longer because the chemicals in processed foods increase the hyper-sensitivity of the gut. My latest video gives you five snack ideas for you to adopt or adapt to suit your needs. Today I want to tell you about five different snack combinations that I often have. You, I'm sure, will be able to come up with some different ones. So perhaps one day I have a slice of cheese with some rice crackers and some baby carrots and snow peas. The cheese is the protein, the crackers are the carbohydrate and of course, the carrots and the snow peas are the … [Read more...] about 5 Low Fodmap Snacks
Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot with IBS
Eliminating irritable bowel symptoms is tough and requires real fortitude on the part of the sufferer. You need to eat five small meals a day, you need to eat breakfast as soon as you get up, you need to avoid alcohol as much as possible and you need to stick to your final version of the low Fodmap diet. However, we are all human and we will err occasionally. The problem arises when your rebellious nature prevents you from complying with the rules out of pigheadedness. And so you suffer. In this video I tell you about a particularly stubborn client and how you are only hurting yourself if you are making her mistakes. Today I want to talk about how not to shoot yourself in the foot. I have a client at the moment who's 23 years old and she's on the fast track in London in the insurance world, and she wants the coaching program to rotate around her lifestyle and not to be changing anything. She thinks she should be allowed to have as many alcoholic drinks as she wants because … [Read more...] about Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot with IBS
5 Tips for eating Low Fodmap at a Conference
Many of my clients are businessmen and women who travel frequently for their work and one of the questions I get a lot is about how to eat low Fodmap at a catered conference where the food is presented to you and you have little to no say in your choices. This video gives you five tips to manoeuvre your way through each of the meals and to stay pain and bloat-free. Welcome to this video. Today I want to talk to you about how to eat at a conference. So you've been invited to a work conference or you've decided to go by yourself to a conference on something that interests you but how are you going to eat low Fodmap there when everything is catered for and kind of presented to you already done? Well, I've got a few tips to help you with that. So the first thing is to make sure that you choose a room with a refrigerator. Most hotels room these days have at least got a refrigerator where you can keep some basics - it would be very unusual for it not to have that. If you … [Read more...] about 5 Tips for eating Low Fodmap at a Conference
5 common mistakes IBS sufferers make
Those with irritable bowel syndrome have a tough road to becoming symptom-free but it is possible. In this video I talk about 5 common mistakes that IBS sufferers make when trying to feel better. Welcome to this video. Today I want to talk to you about five common mistakes that IBS sufferers make. The first one is to not follow an accurate low FODMAP diet and by accurate I mean not dabbling with it, not doing it 50% or even 90% because even one wrong food is going to cause you symptoms. So you do need to decide to do it 100% and you need to get all the elements of that diet correct -not just the list of good foods and bad foods, which is just the beginning for us. We need to get the amounts correct and the combinations correct in each meal. Without taking into account all of those elements, you're not going to get the results that you want. So the diet has to be 100% accurate especially the elimination diet. The second mistake that people make is that they let stress … [Read more...] about 5 common mistakes IBS sufferers make
Quiz on Irritable Bowel Syndrome
I am wondering how much you know about irritable bowel syndrome so I have created a quiz. This is not a survey but an actual quiz and just a fun way for you to know where the gaps are in your knowledge. Let us know afterwards in the comments what your score out of ten was. [quiz-cat id="20359"] … [Read more...] about Quiz on Irritable Bowel Syndrome