The cart has closed to the Low Fodmap Formula Workshop for the April session. If you missed out, make sure you get yourself on the list to be notified when the next one is happening. This will also put you on the Early Bird list at a special discount before the cart officially re-opens. Check it out HERE. Meanwhile, our son, Dario has returned home from travelling around Europe on a motorbike and after a few months here has moved out and set himself up in his own place. The raising years happen all too fast, but life is a series of stages and we are onto the next one, without the third member of the family. We also have two completely empty rooms since he took all his bedroom and study furniture with him to give him a good start. Dinner tonight was simple. I had left over ragu sauce that Adriano cooked for last night, and I served it with polenta. But not just any old polenta. This one is a recipe in itself - simple but so tasty. I added some grilled zucchini and a balanced low … [Read more...] about Savoury Polenta – Low Fodmap and Gluten-free
fructose malabsorption recipe
Can You do this Diet Alone?
The low Fodmap diet has been scientifically proven to significantly help people with irritable bowel syndrome. But that doesn’t come without its challenges because Fodmaps are in nearly all foods, including vegetables, fruit and grains. If you don’t want to eat any Fodmaps at all, you will be left with fat and protein meats. That may suit you if you live near the North Pole, but we would probably die from malnutrition. All we can do is regulate how many Fodmaps we eat at each meal. And here’s the thing – that varies with the individual. I am yet to meet e client who malabsorbs all four Fodmap groups. But the final formula for each client can be radically different from the next one. Not just because of the four Fodmap groups (two of which have two subgroups) but also because of other gut irritants that have to be taken into account. Not to speak of your own possible intolerances that are peculiar to you – it could be the oxalic acid in spinach, the salicylates in nuts and seeds, the … [Read more...] about Can You do this Diet Alone?
Your Dream of being IBS-Free is Close
Today is the day to reveal all! A couple of times, I have mentioned the miracle that you need in order to wrestle your IBS into submission and it is, of course, the low Fodmap diet. But you already knew that. I am going to guide you step-by-step through the process of implementing the low Fodmap diet over a period of two weeks with the Low Fodmap Diet Formula workshop. These two weeks will revolutionize your life. I know you’ve been struggling with getting your IBS under control and working out this low Fodmap diet, so this workshop is going to get you sorted once and for all. How to create a personalised, nutritionally balanced, low Fodmap meal plan based on detailed examples and templates How to find your optimum levels of non-Fodmap related gut irritants like fibre and fat How to journal daily and include all the different data you need in order to analyse your progress and isolate your personal triggers How to integrate the diet into your daily life so you can … [Read more...] about Your Dream of being IBS-Free is Close
The Difficulties of Implementing the Low Fodmap Diet
Wouldn’t you love it if the doctor said, “Go gluten-free and your IBS issues will be solved” or “Go lactose-free and your IBS symptoms will disappear”? But no! We get a low Fodmap diet which has guidelines that are as grey as waste water. Fodmaps are in almost all foods, so we can’t eliminate them all like we could dairy or wheat, or we would die of malnutrition. The Monash University research centre has very kindly split foods into high Fodmap and low Fodmap with a fine line between the two, but that is just the beginning of the complexity which is the low Fodmap diet. There are even more moving parts to the story of sorting your IBS like non-Fodmap triggers and the accumulation factor, but for now that is enough to be getting your mind around. This is a jolly tricky diet. But who ever told us the answer would be simple? Scientists know very little about IBS and the mechanism that causes it, which means they are far from a cure. So, we should be grateful that there is … [Read more...] about The Difficulties of Implementing the Low Fodmap Diet
The 3 Essential Steps to Forming a Habit
If you pull out a cigarette whenever you have a drink, that is a habit. Equally, if you go for a run immediately you arrive home from work, that is a habit. Habits are hard to form and hard to break. The longer you have indulged in a habit, the harder it will be to break it because you have etched it into your neural pathways. But, just as you created the etched pathway, you can unetch it through repetition of a new habit. However, being motivated or inspired to start a new healthy habit is not enough to ensure it will happen. Forming a habit is complex, takes time and more importantly a very particular approach.Phillippa Lally, health psychology researcher at University College London carried out a research study on habit forming. The study examined the habits of 96 people over a 12-week period. Each person chose one new habit like drinking a bottle of water with lunch or running for 15 minutes before dinner. When researchers analyzed the data to determine how long it took to form … [Read more...] about The 3 Essential Steps to Forming a Habit
How Busyness Affects Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome
How many times a day do you say you are busy? Do you have any idea what you are doing by repeating that so much? You are forming pathways in the brain that create a habit, and then you don’t know how to stop saying it. Even when you may not be busy, you will still be convinced you are and will continue bragging about it. Scientific studies at Harvard University have revealed why you like to tell everyone how busy you are. Apparently, when you brag, you experience the same pleasure that you get from food and money. Bragging about being busy is a new status symbol. It is incredible how much of your busyness in unnecessary as you try to multi-task and flit from one thing to another never quite concluding anything by the end of the day. Endless meetings with no outcome, half-finished emails and projects. The ever-growing to-do list that has little crossed off. You allow yourself to be constantly interrupted by colleagues or children, by emails, texts and social media pings. By … [Read more...] about How Busyness Affects Your Irritable Bowel Syndrome